About Us

Who are we?

We are a registered charity run by local volunteers offering welcome and practical support to refugees, asylum seekers and vulnerable migrants in the Crawley area.

Who do we help?

We support men, women and families seeking sanctuary here from many different countries including Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Sudan, Eritrea and Ukraine.

How do we help?

We do whatever we can to make refugees and asylum seekers feel welcome and supported here. With partner charity, Sussex Aid for Refugees, we provide clothing, shoes and other essential items, often to people arriving with nothing. We run free English classes for refugee adults and children to help with communication – so important for personal empowerment and integration in their new communities. We enable people seeking our support to get around by refurbishing bicycles and providing cycle safety kit, providing bus and train tickets for essential journeys they could not otherwise afford. We help people to communicate with their loved ones back home and with Home Office, solicitors and healthcare providers by fixing and providing basic phones when we have funds to do this. We help people access the information they need before they find themselves homeless and do what we can to support those who already find themselves with nowhere to go. We source furniture and household items for refugee families and individuals moving into unfurnished accommodation. See our Get Help or Get Involved tabs if you need support or can offer help.

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